Years of support, nurturing and institutional capacity development interventions by the ACBF have made the Nairobi-based Centre for Corporate Governance (CCG) to become self-sustainable and to have impact on the ground.
CCG has been at the centre of promoting the highest standards of corporate governance in different types of business enterprises through awareness raising, advocacy, and education campaigns, research and training in Kenya’s private sector.
CCG initiated the establishment of the Pan African Consultative Forum on corporate governance – drawing lessons and experiences from across Africa, sharing them in a common platform to assist others faced with similar issues.
The forum has had great success in raising awareness on the significance of corporate governance to economic development in Africa and in forging consensus on concepts and methods of corporate governance standards and practices across all sectors of enterprise in Africa. It has also enabled collaboration between CCG and similar institutions including - Institutes of Board of Directors of Zambia, Zimbabwe and Uganda. CCG served as the Secretariat for the Pan African Corporate Governance Forum from 2001 to 2008.
CCG started as trust – the Private Sector Corporate Governance Trust (PSCGT,) which was renamed the Centre for Corporate Governance in 2002 and has grown into a self-sustaining national enterprise with strong credibility and high demand for its services. It has also become mandatory for directors of state corporations, insurance companies and companies listed on the Nairobi Stock Exchange to go through the training and courses on corporate governance offered by CCG. And various organizations including the Central Bank rely on due diligence by CCG in appointing, training and recommending new directors.
ACBF supported CCG with a capacity development investment grant of US$ 1 million in 2000, which enabled the efficient implementation of the Centre’s programmes and leadership of the Forum.
ACBF played a significant role in the transformation of the centre into a self-sustaining enterprise with a further financing of its strategic plan for 2007-2011.The Strategic Plan 2007-2011, solely funded by ACBF - enabled the Centre to enhance its self-generated income capability, matching its level of activities with its focus on growth and since then the centre has been fully funding its own activities.