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Existing Grants

Consolidating the achievements of its first phase, resulting in its establishment as a leading Centre for research and policy analysis in Ethiopia (ERDI II)
The Ethiopian Development Research Institute (EDRI)
Grant Number:
Grant Amount (USD):
1 400 000
Date of Signing:
09 Sep, 2008
2008 to 2014
Project Goal:

The overall objective of the project is to enhance the capacity of ERDI to fulfill its mandate of providing policy advice to the Government of Ethiopia and other stakeholders, and thereby contributing to the achievement of the country’s Plan for Accelerated and Sustained Development to end Poverty, 2006-2010 (PASDEP). The specific objectives of the project are to: (i) Strengthen EDRI’s institutional  and human capacity (ii) Provide policy options and raise public awareness on economic and development issues to the Government of Ethiopia and other stakeholders through research, and (iii) Establish and deepen the already existing networks and linkages with other national, regional and international development policy institutes.

Improving the efficiency of the public sector in sub-Saharan Africa countries through enhancement of capacity for economic policy analysis and management (EPM Mozambique)
Eduardo Mondlane University (UEM)
Continental- Sub Saharan Africa
Grant Number:
Grant Amount (USD):
2 200 000
Date of Signing:
01 Aug, 2007
2007 to 2014
Project Goal:

The goal of the Economic Policy Management Program Mozambique (EMP-Mozambique) is to improve the performance of the public sector in the five African Lusophone countries in economic policy analysis, formulation and management. This goal will be reached through the following three specific objectives: (i) To build/strengthen the institutional and human capacity of the Faculty of Economics at Eduardo Mondlane University (ii) To train 120 economic policy managers of international standards from Lusophone African countries in economic policy management (iii) To network EPM-Mozambique with similar institutions in Africa and globally so that it can learn from others experiences.

Fostering effective capacity to undertake economic policy analysis and research in Zambia. (ZIPAR)
Zambia institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR)
Grant Number:
Grant Amount (USD):
1 500 000
Date of Signing:
23 Aug, 2005
2005 to 2014
Project Goal:

The goal of the Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR) Project is to improve economic governance in Zambia. The immediate objectives of the ZIPAR Project are to: (i) establish a semi-autonomous economic policy and research institute, (ii) provide training to government officials, (iii) conduct research in areas of economic policy formulation and management, and (iv)Provide policy advice to government and promote policy dialogue with Zambia through dissemination workshops, conferences, and publications.

Contributing to the strengthening of master’s-level education in agricultural and applied economics (CMAAE)
The Agricultural Economics Education Board (AEEB)
Continental- Africa
Grant Number:
Grant Amount (USD):
2 200 000
Date of Signing:
02 Mar, 2005
2005 to 2014
Project Goal:

The goal of the project is to improve the policy making process in the agricultural sector in Eastern and Southern Africa. Specific Objectives are: (i) To train agricultural economists for agricultural policy analysis and economic management within universities, the public sector, the private sector and civil society (ii) To strengthen the capacities of collaborating institutions through staff development and knowledge sharing.


Thomas Kwesi Quartey

ACBF has been granted the status of a specialized agency because of the potential to transform Africa through capacity development.

H.E. Thomas Kwesi Quartey, Deputy Chairperson, AU Commission
Erastus Mwencha

The recognition of ACBF as the African Union’s Specialized Agency for Capacity Development launches the beginning of a new era for capacity building by ACBF, which will require an appropriate level of political commitment and financial support from all stakeholders.

H.E. Erastus Mwencha, Chair, ACBF Executive Board
Lamin Momodou

The remarkable achievements ACBF has registered over the past 26 years is not by accident in our opinion. They have come through hard work, dedication, commitment, purposeful leadership, support from the member countries as well as productive partnership building.

Mr. Lamin Momodou MANNEH, Director, UNDP Regional Service Centre for Africa
Goodall Gondwe

Africa needs ACBF as much, probably more now, than at the time it was created in 1991.

Hon. Goodall Gondwe, former Chair of the ACBF Board of Governors and Minister of Finance – Malawi
Ken Ofori Atta

Ghana’s partnership with ACBF is a tremendous blessing for us and therefore the opportunity for Ghana to host the 26th ACBF Board of Governors Meeting is something that we treasure.

Hon Ken Ofori Atta, Chair of the ACBF Board of Governors and Minister of Finance - Ghana