A Specialized Agency of the African Union

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Existing Grants

Improving financial governance in Djibouti by scaling up audit and control function in the public sector (GFID)
The Republic of Djibouti
Grant Number:
Grant Amount (USD):
2 700 000
Date of Signing:
12 May, 2012
2012 to 2016
Project Goal:

The project’s goal is to improve financial governance in Djibouti through scaling up audit and control function in the public sector. This will be achieved through project support to key institutions involved in the control chain, primarily the Inspection Général d’Etat – IGE, the National Audit Office (Cour des Comptes), the Supreme Court, the Parliament, the Office of Finance Inspector General, the Office of Health Services Inspector General to enhance their performance, foster democracy, ethics, effectiveness and accountability in the use and management of public funds. The specific objectives of the project are to: (i) Build human capacity to improve the professionalism of auditors, MPs and Parliament’s Staff (ii) Strengthen the Legal environment and improve systems and processes (iii) Improve Communications and outreach activities (iv) Foster research and dissemination on Audit best practices, and  (v) strengthen institutional capacity of involved entities.

Contributing to knowledge generation and sharing among African scholars (CODESRIA)
The Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA)
Continental- Africa
Grant Number:
Grant Amount (USD):
2 000 000
Date of Signing:
12 Apr, 2012
2012 to 2015
Project Goal:

The goal of CODESIRA Capacity Building Project Phase II is to improve  quality of research and research outputs of African scholars in order to contribute to production of knowledge that would: (a) Be a significant contribution to global knowledge about governance and development; and (b) Help in finding solutions to  development challenges faced by Africa. The specific objectives are to : (i) Strengthen  research capacity and writing skills of young African scholars, so that they can conduct quality research meeting the challenges of development in Africa, (ii) familiarize young researchers to the multidisciplinary nature of research in social science in Africa (iii) get young researchers to work within networks beyond the geographical, disciplinary, and linguistic barriers to ensure scientific relief and an African presence in global scientific debate; and (iv) strengthen research centers to become effective hosts, partners and relays of CODESERIA research capacity building programs.

Improving the performance and efficiency of the public sector in Francophone West Africa sub-region countries through enhancement of skills of policy analysts and economic managers (GPE-Abidjan)
Universite De Cocody
Regional- West Africa (Francophone)
Côte d'Ivoire
Grant Number:
Grant Amount (USD):
3 045 000
Date of Signing:
12 Apr, 2012
2012 to 2016
Project Goal:

The aim of project is to improve the performance and efficiency of the public sector in Francophone West Africa by strengthening the skills of analysts and managers in economic policy. This will be achieved through the following objectives (i) To enhance the operational capabilities of the University of Cocody to implement the GPE program (ii) To strengthen the skills of analysts and managers of economic policy (iii) To develop capacities in knowledge sharing  with similar programs in Africa and globally.

Improving financial management and accountability of African countries in the fields of Banking and Finance (CESAG)
Centre AfricainD’EtudesSuperieubres En Gestion (CESAG)
Continental- Africa
Grant Number:
Grant Amount (USD):
1 575 000
Date of Signing:
12 Apr, 2012
2012 to 2017
Project Goal:

The project’s goal is to improve financial management and accountability of African countries in the fields of Banking and Finance. To achieve this goal, the project sets out three specific objectives: (i) Strengthening the sustainability of the Master’s Program in Banking and Finance in the CESAG (ii) Improving the skills of middle and senior African professionals in the field of banking and Finance and (iii) Increasing the visibility of the Master in Banking and Finance by strengthening partnerships with professional associations, training institutions and similar enterprises.

Improving on the performance and efficiency of the public sector in Francophone Central Africa sub-region countries through enhancement of skills of policy analysts and economic managers (GPE Yaoundé Phase IV)
Universite De Yaoundé II (Cameroun)
Regional- Central Africa (Francophone)
Grant Number:
Grant Amount (USD):
2 940 000
Date of Signing:
12 Apr, 2012
2012 to 2016
Project Goal:

The project goal is to improve performance and efficiency of public sector in Francophone Central Africa Sub-Region countries through development of skills of policy analysts and economic managers. This will be achieved through the following objectives: (i) enhance the operational capabilities of the University of Yaounde II at Sao to implement the GPE program (ii) strengthen the skills of managers and economic policy analysts , and (iii) develop capacity for knowledge generation and sharing with the similar programs in Africa and globally.

Promoting economic empowerment and political participation of women in Africa (AWDF Phase II)
African Women’s Development Fund (AWDF)
Continental- Africa
Grant Number:
Grant Amount (USD):
2 730 000
Date of Signing:
23 Feb, 2012
2012 to 2016
Project Goal:

The project goal is to promote economic empowerment and political participation of women in Africa. This is to be achieved through two specific objectives : (i) Strengthen the institutional and human capacity of AWDF to effectively address the needs of its grantees; (ii) Increase the capacity of African Women’s Organizations to engage effectively on issues of women’s human rights and development in Africa.

Enhancing private sector contribution in the developmental processes in Mozambique (CTA)
The Confederation of Business Associations in Mozambique (CTA)
Country- Mozambique
Grant Number:
Grant Amount (USD):
1 500 000
Date of Signing:
16 Feb, 2012
2012 to 2016
Project Goal:

The project’s goal is to strengthen Mozambique’s private sector contribution into development processes. Specific objectives of the project are to: (i) Improve the capacity of private sector in Mozambique, particularly businesswomen, to enable them to effectively engage in national policy dialogue processes and to influence outcomes on private sector issues; (ii) Support CTA’s initiatives in technical advisory and extension services, particularly, small and medium enterprises and businesswomen; (iii) Strengthen the institutional and human capacities of CTA; and (iv) Strengthen initiatives by CTA for gender equality in the private sector.

Improving capacity for achieving macroeconomic convergence and statistical harmonization within the West African Monetary Zone by 2015 (WAMI)
The West African Monetary Institute (WAMI)
Regional- West Africa
Grant Number:
Grant Amount (USD):
2 000 000
Date of Signing:
31 Jan, 2012
2012 to 2015
Project Goal:

The project’s overall objective is to contribute to strengthening the capacity of WAMI and its member countries in order to undertake preparatory activities for WAMI monetary union aimed at enhancing compliance for macroeconomic convergence by 2015. The specific objectives are to: (i) strengthen WAMI’s capacity to improve macroeconomic surveillance and statistical harmonization, and (ii) develop the human and institutional capacity within WAMI to achieve optimal performance levels that will assist in laying a solid foundation for the takeoff of the WAMI institutions.

Improving the performance and productivity of the public sector in the Anglophone West African countries (GIMPA)
Public Sector Management Training Program, Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (PSMTP/GIMPA)
Regional- West Africa (Anglophone)
Grant Number:
Grant Amount (USD):
3 000 000
Date of Signing:
30 Jan, 2012
2012 to 2016
Project Goal:

The project’s goal is to improve  performance and productivity of the public sector in the Anglophone West African countries. The specific objectives are to (i) Strengthen the Masters Degree program in Public Sector Management to meet the current and emerging issues in the Public Sector (ii) Enhance the institutional and human capacity of GIMPA to meet the current and emerging public sector issues (iii) Strengthen the institutional and human capacities of IPAs to deliver in country PSMTP programs.

Developing capacity of public-sector officials in WAIFEM member countries in response to emerging national, regional, global economic and financial challenges (WAIFEM III)
The West African Institute for Financial and Economic Management (WAIFEM)
Regional- West Africa
Grant Number:
Grant Amount (USD):
3 000 000
Date of Signing:
09 Dec, 2011
2011 to 2015
Project Goal:

The goal of the project is to develop capacity of public-sector officials in WAIFEM member countries to response to emerging national, regional, global economic and financial challenges. Specifically, WAIFEM III will: (i) Improve skills and competencies of public sector officials in debt, financial sector and macroeconomic management (ii) Strengthen WAIFEM institutional capacity to effectively perform its functions (ii) Enhance networking and experience sharing among member countries by creating a platform for peer learning.


Thomas Kwesi Quartey

ACBF has been granted the status of a specialized agency because of the potential to transform Africa through capacity development.

H.E. Thomas Kwesi Quartey, Deputy Chairperson, AU Commission
Erastus Mwencha

The recognition of ACBF as the African Union’s Specialized Agency for Capacity Development launches the beginning of a new era for capacity building by ACBF, which will require an appropriate level of political commitment and financial support from all stakeholders.

H.E. Erastus Mwencha, Chair, ACBF Executive Board
Lamin Momodou

The remarkable achievements ACBF has registered over the past 26 years is not by accident in our opinion. They have come through hard work, dedication, commitment, purposeful leadership, support from the member countries as well as productive partnership building.

Mr. Lamin Momodou MANNEH, Director, UNDP Regional Service Centre for Africa
Goodall Gondwe

Africa needs ACBF as much, probably more now, than at the time it was created in 1991.

Hon. Goodall Gondwe, former Chair of the ACBF Board of Governors and Minister of Finance – Malawi
Ken Ofori Atta

Ghana’s partnership with ACBF is a tremendous blessing for us and therefore the opportunity for Ghana to host the 26th ACBF Board of Governors Meeting is something that we treasure.

Hon Ken Ofori Atta, Chair of the ACBF Board of Governors and Minister of Finance - Ghana