ACBF and UNECA, both with strong mandates of building-capacity for poverty reduction and economic prosperity in Africa, collaborate in the priority areas of economic policy analysis and management through collaborative program development with ECA, ACBF and ACBF-supported policy centres; strengthening regional integration in Africa through capacity building of Regional Economic Communities (RECs); Strengthening trade capacity in Africa towards vibrant intra and international trade by African countries and organisations; strengthening capacity for gender responsive policy environment in Africa; supporting capacity building initiatives of Information, Communication and Technology at country and regional levels on ICT policy formulation, analysis and development; promoting development and sharing of knowledge on development issues in Africa among development stakeholders; promoting best practices in statistical reforms, advocacy, planning and production and joint implementation of the Statistical Training Programme for Africa (STPA); mainstreaming good governance towards economic development of Africa through public sector management, private sector development, civil society and country governance assessments; promote Institutional capacity building in the public, private and civil society in Africa and strengthening monitoring and evaluation capacity of African institutions.