The Board of Governors (BoG) of the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF), African Union’s Specialized Agency for Capacity Development is due to hold an Annual Meeting on 25 June 2021. BoG is the highest policy-making organ of the Foundation, whose role is to set the broad policy and strategic direction for ACBF.
The meeting which will be held virtually, will be hosted by the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Ghana, H.E Ken Ofori-Atta, Chair of the Board of Governors of ACBF. Governors are expected to discuss the overall status of the Foundation, the impact ofCOVID-19 pandemic on the business of the Foundation and set the tone for the coming years.
ACBF Executive Secretary, Prof. Emmanuel NNDADOZIE says the 2021 Meeting of the Board of Governors will be distinct as it takes place when the Foundation marks 30 years of existence and remarkable service of capacity development in Africa. Prof. Nnadozie says key among others, Governors will reflect on the financial position of the Foundation and set the tone for capacity development priorities of African member states going forward.
“The pandemic has wreaked havoc on the lives and livelihoods and exposed the severity of the capacity challenges facing African countries. ACBF stands ready to continue supporting African countries and their institutions in their effort to develop or strengthen human, institutional and soft capacities and will continue to mobilize resources, to support Member States and enable them to emerge from the COVID-19-induced disaster and achieve their development objectives. ACBF calls on the Board of Governors to continue to support the Foundation’s effort to mobilize adequate and predictable resources for its work.”
The Board of Governors is a forum of shareholders of the Foundation comprising Ministers of Finance or Planning as representatives of ACBF member countries and non-regional funding partners and the founding institutional members—African Development Bank, United Nations Development Program and World Bank.
For enquiries, contact Ms. Ntsiuoa SEKETE, Senior Communications Officer, n.sekete@acbf-pact.org, +27 72 658 9295.
Website : https://www.acbf-pact.org Virtual Library : https://elibrary.acbfpact.org
Twitter : https://twitter.com/ACBF_Official YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/user/ACBFafricaisnow
Linked In : www.linkedin.com/company/africa-capacity-building-foundation