Famed for its high-calibre of knowledge products, ACBF will move the bar a notch higher in 2019 by producing knowledge that is not just an end in itself but which can translate into programs to support Africa’s socio-economic transformation and inform future capacity building interventions.
Here is a gist of what you can expect in 2019:
Lookout for three flagship knowledge products. At the top of the list is the Africa Capacity Report, which this year will focus on “Fostering Transformative Leadership For Africa’s Development”.
The aim is to continue informing ACBF member countries of their capacity gaps and the possible solutions, if Africa is to achieve socio-economic transformation. The Report’s findings and recommendations will be based on data from 46 countries and 9 country case studies. The Report will call for the strengthening of the capacity of leaders in all sectors.
The second flagship report will be the Africa Development Dynamics, which will be produced in partnership with the AU Commission and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, (OECD). This publication will propose strategic actions for achieving the development targets of Agenda 2063.
The third in the flagship publications will be a Development Memoir by one of Africa’s top leaders. The goal is to share the experience of successful and influential senior policymakers and leaders on issues related to Africa’s socio-economic transformation.
Apart from the flagship products, there will be two high-impact occasional papers, the first of which will focus on “How Africa Can Benefit from China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)”. This publication will recommend specific arrangements, incentives, and the capacities required to ensure that the Belt and Road Initiative is beneficial to Africa.
The second will concentrate on “Lessons & Notes on Capacity Development”. This paper will be produced in partnership with the World Bank, this publication will aim at sharing experiences around capacity development activities carriedout by ACBF over the years.
In addition to the above publications, there will be one key knowledge-sharing event: the 6th Africa Think Tank Summit, which will be held in Nairobi, Kenya, from 24-26 April, under the theme “Tackling Implementation Challenges for Africa’s Sustainable Development.”
The Foundation and its member countries have long recognised that Africa’s development performance is largely associated with poor capacity for implementation, hence the 6th Africa Think Tank Summit will build on the successes of the previous five Summits.
Thus, the Nairobi Summit will propose strategies and actionable recommendations for think tanks to contribute meaningfully to the implementation challenges facing Africa in the context of Agenda 2063 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), while also sharing knowledge and good country case studies on successful implementation of policies and strategies.