The participants of the second High-Level Meeting of the Global Partnership for effective Development Cooperation (HLM2) published the Nairobi Outcome Document at the end of the meeting that made several commitments to effective development cooperation including capacity development as means to achieve the universal Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The participants met in Nairobi, Kenya, on 28 November – 1 December 2016. The vision of the Global Partnership is to maximize the effectiveness of all forms of cooperation for development for the shared benefits of people, prosperity and peace.
The meeting recognized that the development cooperation landscape has changed significantly over the last decade and now entails a broad area of international action featuring several non-financial modalities such as capacity building.
In order to promote inclusive development partnerships, a commitment was made to strengthen capacity for gender responsive budgeting, planning and the participation of women’s organizations; strengthen the capacity of local, national governments and parliaments to provide transparent information to citizens on the use of resources to enable them to assume fully their roles in service delivery, enhance participation and accountability; capacity for youth development by expanding economic and social opportunities for the generation of decent work; strengthening of the statistical capacity, monitoring and evaluation systems of partner countries.
Selected specific commitments to capacity development are highlighted on sections 42.f 54.h and 54.d in the Nairobi Outcome Document as follows:
“Provide capacity building and technical assistance for public financial management and procurement systems where needed and in consultation with development partner countries receiving support”
“Support capacity development of national business sectors and civil society to fully participate in national and international procurement, while adhering to, and respecting international commitments, including those on environment and labour, and peaceful and inclusive societies”
“Develop the capacities of partner countries receiving support to integrate the SDGs into national development plans and corresponding country results framework”
The outcome document also noted the need for building capacities for countries in special situations to make them more resilient to risks associated with conflicts, atrocity crimes and situations of emerging crisis
A commitment was made for capacity support to enhance and increase the quality, quantity and diversity of resources that will enable productive multi-stakeholder partnership at country level necessary for the realization of effective development cooperation and for reaching the SDGs. This includes a commitment to invest in capacity of countries to lead and engage in multi-stakeholder partnership at the country level.
Focusing on results and developing the capacities of partner countries receiving support to integrate the SDGs into national development plans and corresponding country results frameworks is one of the commitments made at the meeting.
Development partners at the meeting demonstrated the willingness to progress on agreed effectiveness principles. This indicates potential for identifying success factors, sharing lessons and facilitating mutual learning to help accelerate realization of the 2030 Agenda.