The 24th Annual meetings of the Board of Governors of the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) will take place from 2 – 4 September 2015 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The theme for the annual meetings is Developing Capacity to Mobilize Domestic Resources to Finance Africa’s Transformation . The Board of Governors comprises representatives of ACBF member countries and non-African countries, as well as the World Bank, the African Development Bank and the United Nations Development Programme. The Governors are usually African Ministers of Finance and/or Economic Planning, Directors-General or other high level representatives of international development cooperation agencies for non-African countries. The Board of Governors is the highest policy making body of the Foundation. The last BOG was hosted by the Government of the Republic of Senegal, on 26-27 June 2014 in Dakar, Senegal (BOG 2014 Communiqué, videos here).
Objectives of the 24th Annual Meetings
The annual meetings have 4 broad objectives:
- To provide the Board of Governors with an update on the activities of the Executive Board and the Secretariat over the previous years and receive guidance;
- To provide feedback and get BoG inputs on the preliminary findings of the 2015 edition of the ACBF’s flagship publication, the Africa capacity Report (ACR) on Capacity Building for Domestic Resource Mobilization
- To get guidance from the BoG on the future direction of the ACBF through sharing ideas on the priorities for the next ACBF medium term plan.
- To increase visibility over ACBF’s activities and strengthen partnerships.
Format of the 2015 Annual Meetings
This year’s annual meetings are coming at a critical time for ACBF as they will be held 16 months to the closing date of SMTP III. The agenda of the 24th Annual Meetings has three major components:
- A High Level Forum to discuss the findings and recommendations of the 2015 edition of ACBF’s flagship publication, the Africa Capacity Report (ACR) which focuses on capacity building for domestic resource mobilization.
- A Strategic Planning Session to provide an opportunity for the Secretariat and the Executive Board to receive guidance from the Governors on key capacity development priorities which will shape the fourth strategic plan of ACBF during the period 2017-2021.
- The Statutory Meeting of the Board of Governors to review the Foundation’s activities.
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