Benin (capacity of Benin Infrastructural Projects Coordinating Agency)
Under the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the African capacity Building Foundation and the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) both organization agreed on joint implementation of activities one of which is Joint advisory services to African countries. Following a request from the Government of Benin for ECA technical assistance in conducting feasibility studies of some large infrastructural projects under development, a joint ACBF-ECA scoping mission was conducted to assess the Benin-infrastructure feasibility studies in October 2014. Following the report and recommendation of that mission, ACBF and ECA agreed to design and implement an institutional, organizational, and technical capacity building program for the Benin Infrastructural Projects Coordinating Agency (ABGT) in order to strengthen its ability to carry out its mandate as a strategic planning institution. The AGBT was established as a technical agency to support the Ministries in implementing efficient and effective infrastructure projects in the country.
The program will build their capacity in the areas of Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Monitoring and Evaluation and contract negotiation for major infrastructural projects. The program will also provide an opportunity for scaling up the Benin pilot program in this area to other countries in the sub-region.
As part of the capacity building program, ACBF and ECA In November 2015 successfully completed a two-week training on the Planning, Programming, Budgeting, Monitoring and Evaluation of Infrastructure Projects in Cotonou, Benin. The objectives of this capacity building intervention was to improve the skills of Government officials with respect to planning, programming, budgeting, monitoring and evaluation of major infrastructure projects; update their knowledge on concepts, theories and methods related to infrastructure projects and; strengthen their institutional and administrative capacities for the design and management of infrastructure projects. The training targeted 39 participants from ABGT and other ministries and related agencies involved in the development of infrastructure in Benin.