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La Fondation pour le renforcement des Capacites en Afrique (ACBF) accueille la vingt-neuvième réunion du Conseil des gouverneurs

Partnership Spotlight

Partnership Spotlight

Advancing Climate Adaptation and Sustainable Development in Africa

“Achieving equitable and sustainable development in Africa necessitates addressing the critical challenge of climate change”
Mamadou Biteye, ACBF Executive Secretary.

This Partnership Spotlight highlights collaborative efforts between the ACBF and  Inclusive Climate Change Adaptation for a Sustainable Africa (ICCASA), an alliance targeting climate adaptation strategies focusing on inclusivity and gender equality. The coalition aims to bridge the gap towards a more resilient future for the continent.

Beyond resource provision, the ACBF-ICCASA partnership empowers ICCASA with the knowledge and expertise to champion social inclusion and gender equality within climate change policies, strategies, and actions. This targeted approach tackles complex development challenges by prioritizing the voices of marginalized and vulnerable groups. Through collaborative efforts, ICCASA fosters the development of gender-responsive and inclusive climate policies and actions. This ensures a seat at the table for women, youth, indigenous people, those with disabilities, and vulnerable communities, paving the way for a more just and equitable focus towards a climate-resilient Africa.

The partnership's commitment extends beyond initial empowerment. ACBF's flagship program, Strengthening African Leadership for Climate Adaptation (SALCA), equips ICCASA with the tools and skills, offering a comprehensive package, including financial management, resource mobilization, and targeted capacity building to address identified institutional and personnel gaps. Baseline assessments establish benchmarks for progress while knowledge-sharing workshops foster collaboration in crafting impactful solutions. This emphasis on cooperation ensures all stakeholders have a voice, shaping effective adaptation strategies for a more resilient Africa.

ICCASA translates its mission into action through a diverse program portfolio. Initiatives like Strengthening the Voices of Women with Disabilities (STREVOW) empower women with the tools and knowledge to actively participate in policy discussions. #AllVoicesCount dialogues complement this by fostering inclusive online dialogue and broadening participation in climate action. Recognizing the importance of future generations, ICCASA's Empowering Climate and Gender Champions program mentors future leaders, especially women and young girls.

The partnership's impact extends beyond policy. Initiatives like the Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction Project equip communities with the tools to prepare for and respond to climate-related disasters. Evidence-Based Climate Policy and Actions for All ensures climate policies are grounded in robust evidence. Further supporting their commitment, ICCASA champions the Inclusive Climate Adaptation Planning Guidelines and the Gender, Climate Change, and Nutrition (GCAN) integration initiative. This ensures social justice, gender equality, and nutrition are at the heart of climate action and funding.
ACBF's support addressed ICCASA's initial challenges, such as a need for essential institutional policies and a professional board. Their training programs significantly enhanced the effectiveness of ICCASA's interventions, evident in the STREVOW project, which empowered women with disabilities across 13 countries in Eastern Africa. ICCASA's expanding portfolio showcases the tangible impact of this strategic partnership.

Under ACBF’s multifaceted support, ICCASA has developed significantly. ACBF's investment went beyond financial resources, providing a comprehensive package starting with strengthening ICCASA's governance through board development, manuals, and leadership training programs. Capacity-building initiatives equipped ICCASA staff with the expertise needed to tackle the complex issues of gender and climate change.

ACBF secured crucial resources for ICCASA's operations, including office space, financial expertise, and communication and resource mobilization specialists to ensure long-term sustainability. A robust monitoring and evaluation system allows ICCASA to track progress and adapt strategies as needed, while a strategic plan charts a clear course in the future, transforming ICCASA into a powerful force for inclusive climate adaptation across Africa.

Building on ACBF's investment, ICCASA has developed a strong foundation since its establishment in 2017. A gender training program in 2023 led to significant changes, with staff like John Ondieki, ICCASA Procurement Officer, noting, "ACBF's training transformed my procurement approach. I now prioritize diversity, ensuring our decisions empower all."
Leadership training equipped program staff with the skills needed to secure funding, demonstrably boosting their success in proposal development. Dr. Mary Nyasimi, ICCASA Executive Director, explained, "The training empowered ICCASA to navigate complex issues and secure crucial funding. Our recent proposal success story is a testament to the transformative power of collaboration and capacity building."

ICCASA's vision is to expand its reach and champion inclusivity in climate adaptation. Future endeavors include supporting inclusivity in planning processes and capacity-building initiatives, advocating for inclusive policies, embracing technological advancements, prioritizing research and data, scaling up successful initiatives, and designing gender-specific projects. Austine Diffu, ICCASA HR and Finance Manager highlighted the impact of collaboration, stating, "ACBF's ToR training revamped our recruitment! Now, we build diverse, skilled teams for projects like STREVOW.”
Ken Ofori Atta

Le partenariat entre le Ghana et l'ACBF est une formidable bénédiction pour nous et l'occasion pour le Ghana d'accueillir la 26e Session du Conseil des Gouverneurs de l'ACBF est donc une chose qui nous tient à cœur.

Honorable Ken Ofori Atta, Ministre des Finances du Ghana et actuel Président du Conseil des Gouverneurs de l'ACBF
Goodall Gondwe

L'Afrique a autant besoin de l'ACBF maintenant qu'au moment de sa création en 1991, et probablement plus.

Honorable Goodall Gondwe, ancien Président du Conseil des Gouverneurs de l'ACBF et Ministre des Finances du Malawi
Lamin Momodou

À notre avis, les réalisations remarquables de l'ACBF au cours des 26 dernières années ne sont pas fortuites. Elles sont le fruit d’un travail acharné, du dévouement, de l’engagement, d’un leadership déterminé, de l’appui des pays membres et d’un partenariat productif.

M. Lamin Momodou MANNEH, Directeur du Centre de service régional du PNUD pour l'Afrique
Erastus Mwencha

La reconnaissance de l'ACBF comme Agence spécialisée de l'Union africaine pour le renforcement des capacités inaugure une nouvelle ère de renforcement des capacités par l'ACBF qui nécessitera un niveau d'engagement politique et un soutien financier appropriés de la part de toutes les parties prenantes.

S.E. Erastus Mwencha, Président du Conseil d’administration de l'ACBF
Thomas Kwesi Quartey

L'ACBF a reçu le statut d'agence spécialisée en raison de son potentiel de transformation de l'Afrique par le renforcement des capacités.

S.E. Thomas Kwesi Quartey, vice-président de la Commission de l'UA