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Africa Capacity Issue 6

From the Executive Secretary

Welcome to the sixth edition of Africa Capacity.
The year 2014 was a significant year for the African Capacity Building Foundation in its drive toward sustained capacity development in Africa. ACBF has successfully supported the continent in building capacity for the formulation and management of economic policies and in achieving strengthened public administration, transparent and accountable financial management. We have supported statistical development, effective oversight of the executive arms of governments by parliaments, as well as improved participation of civil society and private sector in the policy-making process.


ACBF boosts COMESA’s research capabilities with $3 million
The African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) launched in August 2014 a US$3m project to help the Common Market of Eastern and Southern Africa’s (COMESA’s) Secretariat address the challenge of inadequate capacity for the conduct and coordination of policy researche and analyses – a state of affairs, which had hindered the secretariat’s ability to develop and utilize quality, relevant and timely research to inform the bloc’s economic and trade policy. Read more

ZEPARU’s study contributes to shape mining policy in Zimbabwe
A 2013 strategic study conducted by the Zimbabwe Policy Analysis and Research Unit (ZEPARU), a semi-autonomous policy think tank established and supported by the African capacity Building Foundation, the government of Zimbabwe and other development partners has led the Zimbabwean government to initiate a review of the country’s Mines and Minerals Act.


ACBF, partners get Gates Foundation grant for tobacco control
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has made a US$32m grant available to the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF), the World Health Organization (WHO), the U.S. Centers for Disease Control’s Foundation (CDC Foundation) and the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids (CTFK). The grant will be used to advance the coordination of the Tobacco Control Project across the continent, which aims to    curb the menace of tobacco in Africa.


Coming in full circle: born and bred of the capacity development efforts of ACBF
This is the story of Dr. Pamela Kabaso, the current Executive Director of the Zambia Institute of Policy Analysis (ZIPAR), a semi-autonomous policy think tank supported by ACBF. ZIPAR’s mandate is to conduct research and analysis for policy formulation, implementation and monitoring. Pamela is a beneficiary of two ACBF post graduate scholarship. Read more


Implications of the Ebola crisis on Africa’s capacity development
The African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) was among top African organizations and businesses at a roundtable to establish an emergency fund to help countries hit by the Ebola outbreak. The meeting at the African Union Conference Centre in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on November 8, 2014 brought together the African Union, the African Development Bank, the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, foundations, non-governmental organizations and leading businesses in Africa committed to creating and supporting a funding mechanism to deal with the Ebola outbreak and its consequences.


Play leading role in financing capacity building, ACBF urges African states
In light of the significant capacity challenges facing the continent, which requires more resources, there is an urgent need for Africans to step up their own financial support and take the lead in advocating for the financing of the activities of the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF). This appeal was made by the Foundation’s Executive Secretary, Prof. Emmanuel Nnadozie, at the inaugural meeting of the Permanent Committee of the Board of Governors of the Foundation on Resource Mobilization held on 3-4 November 2014 in Lome, Togo.

ACBF’s Executive Board approves business plan for 2015
The Executive Board of the African Capacity Building Foundation at its meeting on 8 - 10 December 2014 in Harare approved the Foundation’s 2015 business plan, budget, and six new operations. The management updated the Board on ACBF’s new business model which emphasizes enhanced collaboration with mature implementing partners. The new model also highlights decentralization of operations, effective use of Information and Communication Technology, and multidisciplinary teams for supervision mission and clarity of business processes. Read more


  • Partnership meeting between the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and ACBF: 15-16 January, Harare
  • 24th African Union Summit: 23-31 January, Addis Ababa
  • Expert Group discussions on The Future of Capacity Development in Africa and ACBF’s Role: 02-03 February, ACBF Secretariat, Harare
  • 10th Meeting of the COMESA Technical Committee on Gender: 02-04 February, Lusaka, Zambia
  • African Evaluation Association partnership meeting: 16-18, February. ACBF Secretariat, Harare
  • Think Tank Initiative Exchange 2015: 18-20 February, Istanbul, Turkey
Ken Ofori Atta

Le partenariat entre le Ghana et l'ACBF est une formidable bénédiction pour nous et l'occasion pour le Ghana d'accueillir la 26e Session du Conseil des Gouverneurs de l'ACBF est donc une chose qui nous tient à cœur.

Honorable Ken Ofori Atta, Ministre des Finances du Ghana et actuel Président du Conseil des Gouverneurs de l'ACBF
Goodall Gondwe

L'Afrique a autant besoin de l'ACBF maintenant qu'au moment de sa création en 1991, et probablement plus.

Honorable Goodall Gondwe, ancien Président du Conseil des Gouverneurs de l'ACBF et Ministre des Finances du Malawi
Lamin Momodou

À notre avis, les réalisations remarquables de l'ACBF au cours des 26 dernières années ne sont pas fortuites. Elles sont le fruit d’un travail acharné, du dévouement, de l’engagement, d’un leadership déterminé, de l’appui des pays membres et d’un partenariat productif.

M. Lamin Momodou MANNEH, Directeur du Centre de service régional du PNUD pour l'Afrique
Erastus Mwencha

La reconnaissance de l'ACBF comme Agence spécialisée de l'Union africaine pour le renforcement des capacités inaugure une nouvelle ère de renforcement des capacités par l'ACBF qui nécessitera un niveau d'engagement politique et un soutien financier appropriés de la part de toutes les parties prenantes.

S.E. Erastus Mwencha, Président du Conseil d’administration de l'ACBF
Thomas Kwesi Quartey

L'ACBF a reçu le statut d'agence spécialisée en raison de son potentiel de transformation de l'Afrique par le renforcement des capacités.

S.E. Thomas Kwesi Quartey, vice-président de la Commission de l'UA